Finding the time to bake is one thing but taking the time to share one of my recipes is another. From creating the recipe, taking photos, writing it up and editing can take a lot of time and up until recently I hadn’t quite realised how much I have missed the whole process of sharing what I love. Yes, I have become aware of how much I have neglected my little blog. I want to get back to consistently sharing more of my recipes and just more content in general.
What better place to start than to share with you all my favourite Cinnamon swirl bun recipe. This round piece of deliciousness is the comfort food you just need in your life. Baking as a process is quite a mindful thing to complete, especially when you are making dough. Now, don’t panic, you can use a mixer, which is what I have done with this recipe. Kneading is quite therapeutic but it isn’t for everyone and having a mixer gives you the option to decide whether or not you have the time (or the patience) to knead the dough.
Cinnamon is my favourite spice and I use it in most of my baking and it is a great spice to use anytime of year not just in the winter months. Cinnamon buns are normally associated with the colder time of year because they are best enjoyed warm with a hot cup of tea or coffee but for any pastry lover or someone with a sweet tooth, a cinnamon bun is a great snack, lunch or just a good old “let me treat myself” treat at the coffee shop. Now you can have a go at making these heavenly buns at home for yourself or to show off for guests.
As these buns are like a bread dough I recommend using a strong bread flour but if you don’t have any then you can use self-raising flour/all-purpose flour as the recipe does call for the use of fast-action yeast and will give you that bread texture. If you are vegan or dairy intolerant then you can switch up the milk and butter to use your preferred dairy-alternative. I actually use dairy alternatives most of the time but have made sure this recipe can be done with both and both have turned out just as delicious.
Delicious soft cinnamon buns with a light cream cheese frosting perfect for an afternoon treat
Using a free standing mixer and the dough hook, in the bowl add in the flour, yeast and sugar and combine well.
Make a well in the middles and add in the the softened butter, egg, milk and vanilla extract and mix on a medium/high speed until it is all combined with no lumps.
Knead on high speed for 7 minutes. Shape the dough into a ball, cover the bowl with cling film and a clean tea towel and leave to prove in a warm place until it has doubled in size.
In a small bowl, add the softened butter, sugar and ground cinnamon and mix together well
Grease a deep baking tray or a brownie tin and line with baking paper
Once the dough has doubled in size, dust some flour onto a clean surface and roll out the dough to a 50x30cm rectangle
Using a spatuclar or a table spoon, spoon the filling over the rolled out dough
slowly and evenly roll up the dough, long side, until you have a long roll. Using a dough cutter or a knife, cut the roll into 12 equal pieces
Carefully place each piece swirl roll up on to the prepared tray so they are just touching
Cover with a clean tea towel and allow to prove again for another 20 minutes. Preheat oven to 180°c/fan oven 160°c
Bake in the middle of the oven for 16-20 minutes, until the tops of the buns are a golden light brown. Allow to cool for 15 minutes.
While the buns are cooling, mix together the butter, cream cheese, icing sugar, vanilla extract until smooth and creamy.
Using a spatcular smooth over your desired amount of cream cheese frosting and pull apart buns to serve.
Once cooled keep them in an air tight container and enjoy within 2 days. Enjoy!
Do let me know if you give this recipe a go and what you think. Share your photos with me over on Instagram and don’t forget to follow me over there too at @pinarcooks.
Until next time,
Pia x